50 Cent is at it again, sparking controversy with a new post on social media. This time, he shared documents revealing a wiretap conversation involving rapper Jim Jones, where Jones is allegedly discussing the Treway crew and Tekashi 6ix9ine. In the post, 50 Cent claims that Jim Jones is the only member of the Treway crew who wasnât arrested, suggesting that Jones might be an informant.
The documents reportedly show a conversation where Jim Jones is discussing 6ix9ine, who was infamously involved in a federal racketeering case that led to his cooperation with the authorities. According to 50 Cent, Jonesâ lack of arrest raises serious questions about his involvement and suggests that he may have been working with law enforcement behind the scenes.
This explosive claim from 50 Cent has stirred up social media, with fans and critics alike questioning the authenticity of the documents and the allegations against Jones. Jim Jones has yet to publicly respond, but the drama surrounding the case continues to unfold, adding fuel to the fire of the ongoing saga involving 6ix9ine, his associates, and the world of hip-hop.
Whether or not 50 Centâs claim is true, itâs clear that heâs not backing down from stirring the potâand this revelation could have major consequences for Jim Jonesâ reputation in the hip-hop community.