Deamonte Kendrick, known as Yak Gotti found out his fate in court. With more than a week of negotiations and refusing to accept a plea deal Kendrick was found not guilty. Kendrick and Shannon Stillwell were the last two co-defendants remaining in the YSL RICCO trial. He has been granted freedom from the Fulton County Jail.
Kenrick was found guilty on just one charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. While Kendrick, was acquitted of all charges, Shannon Stillwell was sentenced to 10 years of probation for the possession of a firearm as a convicted felon. Two years will be credited to the latter verdict.
Nine of the initial 28 defendants reached plea deals before the trial started; Gunna was on of the that accepted his plea deal before trial could start. Young Thug recently gained his freedom under strict conditions of his probation. Thug's sentence was reduced to time served on multiple counts with 15 years of probation, with the remaining years to be commuted if he completes the probation with no trouble.