YSL Judge Paige Whitaker Apologizes for...

The state presented evidence against YSL defendants in court on Thursday that included heavy language to be interpreted. Judge Paige Whitaker called the prosecution out on their analysis of the words they were using against YSL from text messages that was being read.

Judge Whitaker just released Thug from jail; do to him entering into a negotiated plea agreement. The deal resulted in a 40-year sentence. Conditions of his release include five years in prison, which has been commuted to time served, 15 years of probation, and a "backloaded" 20-year sentence that would be activated only if he violates his probation. Originally he was facing up to 120 years in prison.

While reading out loud back to the prosecution text messages they presented the astute judge accidently said the n-word. She also told the prosecution they were reaching with the phrases being used.

Listen in to Judge Paige Whitaker below apologize for using the n-word and not pre-reading information that would be read out loud in court.

Was Judge Whitaker's reading of the evidence presented by the prosecution in court out loud crazy behavior or a simple mistake while doing her job? Drop your comments below.

Video: Meghann Cuniff

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