As of April 2021, of the total fifty U.S. states, approximately thirty have an age of consent of 16 (with this being the most common age of consent in the country), a few set the age of consent at 17, and in about eleven states the age is 18. The state of Washington the age of consent rises to 21 for the specific instance student-teacher sex (the age of consent in the state of Washington is otherwise 16)
Why am I reviewing legal ages?.... On Weinmiamipodcast Benzio buzzed mixed reviews from fans. Benzino discussed with the podcast set his thoughts on R. Kelly not being treated the same as caucasian celebrities. Manley calling out Elvis Presley.
"A lot of motherf_s was f__g with young girls," Benzino said, as caught by Weinmiamipodcast. moving along, he clarified: “I’m not into that. Again. The legal age is 16. So does that make it right if a n___a does it?” When the room responded “no,” he added: “But it’s legal in America. So why is R. Kelly doing all this time? Because you know why? They’re 13, 14, two years younger.” Once again, he reiterated: “I’m not condoning n—s f——g little girls. It’s sick. But I don’t think R Kelly should rot in jail for 30 years either.”
Watch the reactions from around the table of Weinmiamipodcast below.
Drop your thoughts on Benzino's comments below.
Photo:Getty Images