J Prince Has Not Been Arrested By Feds

Rap-A-Lot Ceo and Co-founder James Prince was rumored to have been arrested by the Feds for threatening Offset. The music mogul laughs off rumors of his arrest from the back yard his mansion.

It all started with Wack 100 last night on his podcast. Wack claimed that J. Prince was arrested for threats and Offset and Quavo were put in protective custody.

It is confirmed... J. Prince has definitely been arrested. he continued with his sources told him Prince was handcuffed and taken into custody...The sources also allegedly told Wack that the remaining Migo were put under protective custody. Wack explained that's what happens when you get to big for your britches.

Wack also slammed J. Price for thinking he's bigger than the program.

Prince’s sons were present during the shooting, which claimed Takeoff’s life. The situation started with a dice game and escalated quickly. Sadly enough, Takeoff was not even the intended target. As the story grew, J. Prince became involved. He went on “Million Dollaz Worth of Game

Prince host a party in Houston Tx where his sons attended the shindig along with Migos rappers, Quavo and Takeoff. Outside of the bowling alley a high stakes heated dice game was being played with Quavo included. Shots were fired and unfortunately Takeoff was hit by a bullet not meant for him and killed.

Since J. Prince has been involved clearing his family's name. Prince visited "Million Dollaz Worth of Game" to express his sentiments for the family of Takeoff while defending his sons, who were by his side.

J. Prince responded to Wack 100 allegations that he was behind bars with a video message outside by his pool.Check it out below.

Photo: Getty Images

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