"The Album Cover" Lawsuit has Cardi B. back in court. Cardi is being sued by Kevin Brophy. He is sueing because of his back tattoo being on Cardi's album cover. On Gangsta B-tch Music Vol. 1.
Brophy claims that Cardi used his tattoo, which distinctively identifies him. It's a violation of his rights to publicity and privacy as it “explicitly misrepresents him having sex with Cardi B” and has caused him shame and embarrassment. Brophy says, the cover made him feel disgusted, and embarrassed.
Brophy is suing Cardi B. for $5 million. He claims that he has kids and a devoted husband as a man of God the album cover was not a good look for him.
Cardi B, who is represented by attorneys Lisa Moore and Peter Anderson, is contending that a graphic designer, without her knowledge or approval, used a “small portion” of the tattoo but that she hasn’t violated Brophy’s rights as it is regarded as “transformative work” and protected by the 1st Amendment. As reported in Urbanisland.
Photo: Getty Images
On Tuesday in opening remarks, attorney Anderson said that Brophy and his wife are the only ones who claim that the tattoos are similar. Of interest is that Brophy claims that he was allegedly made aware of his back being used on the cover by his tattoo artist. Card’s lawyer also pointed out that the tattoo artist owns the copyright to the tattoo, but he is not pursuing a claim against Cardi B.
The case just started trial; as updates are provided details will be provided here.
Phot: Getty Images