Alicia Keys Snaps On A Fan

During the "Alicia + Keys" World Tour a fan was way to close to the superstar performer. While Alicia Keys was signing one of her many hit songs "New York" and walking through the crowd a fan could not resist themselves. An adult female reached out grabbed Alicia's face and kissed her.

Alicia was a bit shooked at what had happened. In stride while belting out her lyrics Alicia Keys played it off well. You could hear a bit of a mini pause in videos posted.

The gifted piano player- singer responded to the incident after her performance. “Trust me, I was like what the F**K!!!!!!!!!! Don’t she know what time it is??? .”, she commented under Hollywoodunlocked social media.

I mean Covid-19 is still out there. As well as Harrison County, Tx just reported the first death from Monkeypox as I reported this week.

Stay safe, stay healthy as we all look forward to enjoying public events.

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