Los Angeles Mayor Shuts Down Utilities At Hollywood Hills ‘Party House’

A home in Hollywood Hills that has hosted many large parties no longer has utilities because its owner(s) violated the public health orders to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The order was issued by Los Angeles, California’s Mayor Eric Garcetti.

"Despite several warnings, this house has turned into a nightclub in the hills, hosting large gatherings in flagrant violation of our public health orders," the mayor said in a news release. "The City has now disconnected utilities at this home to stop these parties that endanger our community."

On August 5, Garcetti announced that he would approve utility shutoffs at properties hosting large parties, gatherings, and events.

When he learned about the “party house” on Wednesday (8/19) afternoon, he authorized the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to disconnect utility services to the residence.

Los Angeles Police officers visited the home on Appian Way on August 8 and August 14 due to large gatherings. They served an initial warning and a final notice that the home may be passed along to Garcetti's office, and that future violations would be subject to penalty.

According to reports, the residence belongs to TikTok star Bryce Hall, who has 12.8 million followers, but authorities were unable to confirm that to CNN.

Photo: Getty Images

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