Despite the verdict being delivered last year in Tory Lanez's trial for allegedly shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the foot, the legal proceedings continue. Earlier this year, Tory's legal team filed a motion for a completely new trial, citing prejudicial testimony from witnesses as grounds for retrial. However, the judge rejected this motion. Nevertheless, it appears that Tory Lanez is not prepared to accept the verdict without further action.
Lanez's lawyers proceeded to appeal the initial verdict. For those Tory Lane'z supporters anticipating a quick conclusion through the appeals process, it's unlikely.
Reporter Meghann Cuniff has been tagging along Tory's case from trial start not missing a detail revealed that the appeal, lodged several months ago, is nearing its deadline. Currently, the prosecutors have requested an additional extension to prepare their response.
Meghann Cuniff explained on X/Twitter that it's almost certain to be granted, further extending the ultimate conclusion of the trial to a later date.
Do think Tory Lanez should continue to fight against the guilty verdict he received for allegedly shooting Houston hottie Megan Thee Stallion in the foot? Do you think the 10 year sentenced Tory Lanez was handed down is excessive jail time for alleged crime? Drop your comments below.
Photo:Getty Images