Kendrick Lamar changed the cover artwork for his diss track aimed at Drake, titled "Meet The Grahams," before releasing it on streaming platforms last weekend. The original cover included items like a glove, Ozempic, and receipts and was rumored to have been taken from a suitcase belonging to Dennis Graham. Some fans speculated that Lamar made the change because he discovered that elements such as the prescription bottle and "shortee" shirt were fake. Others suggested he did so because Apple Music and Spotify prohibit stolen property from being used as cover art without permission. In response to Lamar's track, one Drake fan on Twitter commented on the situation, implying that Lamar's alteration was due to realizing that the items on the original cover were fake. Following this online discussion, Twitter included a community note citing guidelines from Apple Music and Spotify regarding the use of others' private property as cover images without permission. Lamar released "Meet The Grahams" on Friday, as a response to Drake's diss track "Family Matters," and soon followed up with another track called "Not Like Us" less than 24 hours later. Drake has yet to respond to these two consecutive songs.
For a comparison of Lamar's artwork on YouTube versus Apple Music and Spotify, refer below. The ongoing feud between Drake and Lamar began with the release of "Like That" in March, followed by a series of diss tracks such as "Push Ups" and "Euphoria." Stay updated on the latest developments in the Kendrick Lamar and Drake feud by listening to 103.5 The Beat.