Clear Backpacks and Bags Only In Broward County Public Schools?

While some are completely for it, others don't believe it will serve to be much help. Most recently new rules and guidelines have been reported for Broward County Public School students, According to " BCPS announced that beginning on Monday, August 21, 2023 – the first day of the 2023/24 school year – BCPS students will only be allowed to carry clear backpacks and bags (lunch boxes, purses, duffel bags, fanny packs, etc.) on school campuses. Mesh and colored backpacks will not be permitted, even if they are transparent."

However parents and students will have a chance to voice their thoughts during a scheduled town hall meeting. The townhall regarding the clear bags and backpacks will take place on Monday, June 12TH, 2023 at 6pm. School Safety Town Hall Meeting Regarding Clear Backpacks and Bags - Plantation High School.

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