Pretty Ricky's Baby Blue Released From Prison Early

Baby Blue is now a free man. Released from prison early Baby Blue says he is a changed man and is changing his name. Along with changing his name Baby Blue is releasing a book.

Paycheck Protection Program scam is what landed Pretty Ricky's Baby Blue in prison facing 20 months in prison. The Paycheck Protection Program during COVID shutdown was to assist small businesses with the resources they need to maintain their payroll, hire back employees who may have been laid off and cover qualified overhead.

Baby Blue was awarded close to $24 million dollars under the PPP loan scam. He was accused in 2020 of filing fake loan applications to obtain funds meant for small businesses. One year later Blue was released from the Orlando Coleman Prison. Blue has denied snitching allegations. He's explained that others in the case set him up as the scapegoat.

Blue expressed that he was the one scammed along with other celebrities. He's told reporters, " They told lies on us for less time wrongly convicting victims unfortunately, being "NAIVE" isn't a defense in the court of law!" reported by

In exclusive interview with TSR Baby Blue stated, Thanks to the First Step Act he was released. The First Step Act was passed by President Donald Trump. "I met a lot of real n***** in the feds. Blue also expressed gratitude for his fans and supporters. He also asked that if you got people behind them walls; to show love...Commissary is expensive than a b^*ch!

Baby Blue is getting straight back to the bag. He announced new album dropping soon! New book on the way too! Officially changing my name to BIGG MONEY BLUE!

Photo: Getty Images

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