Boosie Badazz Unhinged Lecture On Social Media

Boosie Badazz has never been shy about sharing his thoughts. It was no different when the Louisiana visited Drink Champs podcast. N.O.R.E and DJ EFN could not control their laughter with Boosie dramatic commentary on his observations of social media.

“Social media f$*ked up everything,” Boosie said. “It made more avenues for money, but it f$*ked up everything. Marriages, everything. At first, your bi*@h just used to see the n#@as at work, you and that’s it and then come home. That’s all she had to look at. Now she got about 30,000 n#@as to look at for when you don’t act right.

“And she hypnotized by all the other bi#@hes, bi$#hes getting sh*t on Instagram that she not getting. So all that time you done put in but no money, it fu$#ed up everything. It fu%$ed up you too. All you had to look at was your side bi@#hes, your b#$hes at work your bi#$h at home when you come back. That’s all we had.”

Boosie continued his rant by including the men. Men are just as messed up since the social media frenzy.

“A couple side b#$ches on the other side of town now you hypnotized. You look at your bi$*h, and you see a thousand bi$#hes look better. They looking way better than your bi@$h you look over and tell the bi$#h like…it made us h*es bro. It made your bi$*h a hoe and it made a n-@#a a h*e.”

What are your thoughts? Has social media changed relationships? Drop your comment @djbulletproof #disrespectful

Photo: Getty Images

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