Kanye West Shows Adidas Employees Porn

Kanye West is not letting up. He went to the extreme a bit to prove a point in his business meetings with Adidas on Monday. It is no secret that Kanye is still angry with the way Adidas has mishandled his partnership with the fashion company.

Kanye West pulled out his phone and showed the board room full of executives for Adidas a porn movie. The meeting participants at first were caught off guard. One man asking, " if it was porn?" another man pushing Kanye's hand away that was holding the cell phone. Kanye wanted to purposely make the Adida employees feel uncomfortable. He explained to the meeting room that he knew what he was showing them and why. He was correlating the porn video with his experience with the relationship with Adidas.

Photo: Getty Images

Following Ye's explanation, one Adidas executive admits some fault in the fickle relationship. "We can certainly do a lot better in the way that we work with you," one of the men commented.-XXL

Adidas is currently holding meetings to see how they are now reviewing their partnership with Kanye West after "White Lives Matter Controversy". Kanye has promised Adidas " They haven't seen nothing yet. He will be there worst nightmare.

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