Only In Florida Best News Ever: South Florida Nun Makes Basketball History

Holy Hoopers.... This might be the best thing we have heard today. Well if you remember a few months ago Miami Heat fans were super excited and on edge during the 2020 NBA Playoffs- of course Miami was rooting for Miami. Even South Florida Nuns kept in a prayer and were rooting for them. Nuns at the Archbishop Coleman Carroll High School said they wanted to do something fun and support their team, from dunks to free throws and layups- yep they went viral. So it may come at no surprise that someone saw that they had skills. Word is, according to WSVN news one of the Nuns known as Margret Ann aka the chainsaw nun has officially made history becoming the first nun to be drafted by the Harlem Globetrotters.

Hooping for the GOOD LORD! If you can remember Sister Margaret Ann also got the name Chainsaw Sister back in 2017. This came about after this sister literally picked up a chainsaw to help clear the road of debris after Hurricane Irma hit in Miami. She says that her father always told her if you can help those in need do it. She also stated that the focus she wants to be is on the Lord, and the good that he can bring out of a tragedy when we put other people first. Praying for this Sister putting in that work!

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