Ari Lennox Potentially Quitting Music?

Ari Lennox made her major-label debut album Shea Butter Baby which placed her on the list of sultry vocalists.

After Ari Lennox lost Album Of The Year to Lizzo's Cuz I Love You LP she was a tad salty, and hit Twitter to vent.

HipHopWired reported: Lennox’s initial tweets to losing the AOTY honor read as follows:

Shea Butter Baby will always be special. I made a soul album for black people. I made my album for black people lol.

She returned to Twitter Tuesday to share more thoughts about the industry and lashed back.

“You know what I realized? People who genuinely f*ck with me understand my frustration. People who are self hating haters and clearly have never given my music a chance got the biggest problem with me always,” Lennox tweeted. “No one will have to worry about me complaining after this current complaint. Lol what I will not do is ever be this depressed again.”

She added, “It’s not just an award. It wasn’t any award show. It was the soul train awards. As you can see I’m big fan of soul music and huge fan of soul trains history. Being snubbed was something I always expected and was definitely prepared for just not by them.”

The tweets have since been deleted and replaced with the one of her in an Army uniform.

Do you understand Ari's frustration? Let us know in the comments.

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